Diseases of the aorta comprise considerable cardiovascular mortality and morbidity all over the world. The occurrence of aortic diseases is anticipated to increase with the increase in the age of the people. Diagnostic evaluation is essential and has improved the quality of life of patients with aortic disorders.

They also facilitate earlier identification and therapeutic intervention. A tortuous aorta is of those aortic disorders which are often linked to cause palpitations. Let’s find out whether tortuous aorta causes palpitations or not.

What is Aorta?

The aorta is the major artery of the body that leaves the heart and provides blood to each body. The aorta basically delivers oxygenated blood to all components of the body via the systemic circulation and thus, needs to be normal to deliver blood to the organs. In most individuals, the aorta pursues a moderately straight path. 

What Is A Tortuous Aorta?

However, sometimes it is anatomically abnormal. This is termed as a tortuous aorta i.e. an abnormal aorta with distorted shape. A number of people find to have it on a radiological examination while have a healthy life. Nevertheless, there are people who may have ill effects due to the slightly abnormal anatomy of their aorta. They may also experience a number of complications.

In tortuous aorta the vessel are usually distorted or twisted. This can lead to blockages in the flow of blood and resultant complications because of poor circulation. You may wonder does tortuous aorta causes palpitations?

The answer is yes because it does affect indirectly the conductive system of the heart. People with this condition are also usually at risk for hypertension as a result of the disruption to their normal blood flow, and they may also suffer from atherosclerosis, which is characterized by the lining of vessels with a layer of plaque.

This may impair the movement of blood via the vessels. Since tortuous aorta causes palpitations, this may only be the first complaint by the patients with this aortic abnormality. Nevertheless, tortuous aorta has also been thought to cause pain due to dislocated esophagus, seeing that the vessel’s twistings can thrust the normal position of the esophagus.

How Tortuous Aorta Is Diagnosed?

This condition can be easily diagnosed through the medical imaging studies which disclose not only the structure of the aorta but also structure of the other blood vessels of our body. Usually such examinations are requested for disparate reasons, or for the reason that a physician suspects that a person has an abnormal aorta.

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